
FADC Projects

We believe that society, and our rural areas in particular, can be lifted up out of dire poverty and attain middle class status if given the necessary push. Through consultancies and development projects, FADC channels relevant training, resources and opportunities to rural youth, women and men for them to climb out of disadvantaged conditions of lack of access to information and education, lack of input and output markets and lack of financing, among other bottlenecks.


Through financing from GIZ, FADC trained over 3,000 SHFs in 7 districts (Dedza, Ntcheu, Balaka, Machinga, Zomba, Mulanje, Thyolo). In this program, farmers in the Soy bean, Groundnuts and Cassava value chains under-went a 5-day FBS course through qualified trainers that were allocated to their Farmer Organisations. Due to COVID-19, trainings took place outdoors and in observance of other preventive measures.

Farmers were taken through 12 Farmer Business School Modules that exposed them to concepts in having enough food throughout the year, nutrition planning, coming up with an agricultural calendar, a financial calendar, Money-In Money-Out, Marketing, How to obtain good financial services, benefits of being a member of an FO and contract farming, among other areas.


If you have a need in the area of Project Management, Monitoring, Evaluation or Investment, then FADC is the right partner for your work. FADC boasts of a rich pool of experts from a wide spectrum of the food and agribusiness value chain, both full-time and available as and when required. These experts can be engaged for consultancy assignments as demanded by our potential clients.


We have consultancy expertise in the areas of:

  • Agribusiness plans, financial modeling and management
  • Food science and nutrition
  • Environment, natural resources and climate change
  • Agriculture extension
  • Animal science and livestock management
  • Horticulture and agronomy
  • Agriculture and Irrigation Engineering

Should you require expertise in any of these areas, or other agricultural solutions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

  • Clients:
  • Category:
    Food & Agri-business services

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